Nvg Poker

Mar 08, 2017 Apparently the 'NVG superhero' in question said he had a big account with a certain bookmaker Voulgaris wished to place bets with and so back in 2012 Voulgaris went ahead and placed bets through him. The poker scene did the rest, with influencers such as Doug Polk speculating on the identity of said poker player, and coming to the conclusion that it could be Tom Dwan, a rumor that has not been confirmed. Dallas Mavericks. On October 4, 2018, the Dallas Mavericks hired Voulgaris as Director of Quantitative Research and Development. Aug 19, 2018 Among the most popular are the TwoPlusTwo NVG (News, Views and Gossip), BBV (Beats, Brags, and Variance), Marketplace, and Strategy ones. Just like the title says, the TwoPlusTwo NVG forum contains poker news, views, and—most importantly and entertaining—gossip. Among the various threads in this forum include: New poker websites. Sep 25, 2020 In our poker news category you can find the latest and greatest poker news. Everything from poker gossip over poker industry news, updates from the biggest poker tournaments to the best Twitch Poker and Youtube Poker Videos as well as the best poker bonuses, rakeback deals and poker sites reviews.

Welcome to Two Plus Two, the world's largest poker strategy resource online and in print. Our online poker forums, are home to over 400,000 players. Two Plus Two publishes best selling poker books written by David Sklansky, Mason Malmuth, and Dan Harrington among others. Our strategy books are available at local retailers as well as online through Amazon. For additional poker news and for poker strategy articles check out our poker magazine published monthly.

Online Poker Strategy From Two Plus Two Interactive

Online Poker Forum

The Two Plus Two Poker Forums provide thought provoking discussions on poker and gaming topics. With one of the strongest poker and gaming communities, members can expect to find up to date news, poker instruction, gossip, and even book reviews.

We are proud to say our poker forum has approximately 500,000 members and more than 50,000,000 posts including the poker archives, making us the leading resource for online poker strategy. Our poker forums cover all aspects of gaming and other topics of interest to the poker community.

Online Poker Magazine

Our online poker strategy magazine is available each month and offers top quality poker and gaming information, vigorous debate, and a little bit of fun. Our monthly poker magazine is free and includes articles written by many of the 2+2 authors. The February 2+2 Poker Strategy Magazine is now available.

Sponsored Support Forums and Threads

In addition to poker strategy forums, Two Plus Two is also home for established sites for online poker, poker affiliates, poker coaching, and poker resources. You can also find sponsored support threads for poker affiliate sites and poker bonuses.

Two Plus Two Publishing LLC

Poker and Gaming Strategy Books

Two Plus Two publishes the finest books on poker, poker strategy and other gaming topics. Our books are written by the best authors in poker and gaming, such as David Sklansky, Mason Malmuth, Ray Zee, Dan Harrington and Bill Robertie along with John Feeney, Matt Flynn, Nick 'Stoxtrader' Grudzien, Donna Harris, Geoff 'Zobags' Herzog, Sunny Mehta, Ray Michael B, Ed Miller, Collin Moshman, Dan Paymar, Alan Schoonmaker, and Sylvester Suzuki

Two Plus Two gaming and poker books are available at booksellers. Titles include some of the top selling poker strategy books online, including Theory of Poker, Sit and Go Strategy , Harrington on Holdem, and Harrington on Cash Games among others.

Two Plus Two poker books are now translated into multiple languages including German, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Finnish, Russian, Polish and Portuguese.

Recent Two Plus Two Titles

No Limit Hold 'em For Advanced Players: Emphasis on Tough Games
by Matthew Janda

In 2003 poker was put on television and no-limit hold em quickly became the most popular form of poker played in casinos, public cardrooms, and on the Internet. At first, because of the newness of the game to most participants, they could be easily be beaten by players with only a moderate knowledge of sophisticated strategy. more ...

Poker and More: Unique Ideas and Concepts
by Mason Malmuth and David Sklansky

Poker is a game of many different concepts and ideas, and the relative importance of these ideas has changed over the years as different forms of poker gain and lose popularity. more ...

Real Poker Psychology
by Mason Malmuth

During the last few years, there has been much new information produced that comes under the heading of poker psychology. The idea is to cover that area of poker which is less strategic but still important to one s overall success at the game, and a new area of mental coaching has appeared. more ...

Harrington on Modern Tournament Poker
by Dan Harrington and Bill Robertie

Over the last ten years, the enormous growth of interest in poker and poker tournaments has led to an intense focus on the theory of tournament poker. The result was a re-examination of old ideas and the introduction of many new ones. The fundamentals of no-limit hold em did not change, but the game was revealed to have more depth than many older players could have anticipated. more ...

Applications of No-Limit Hold ’em
by Matthew Janda

One of the most daunting moments in a poker player’s career occurs when he realizes his knowledge of how to play a specific hand well is incomplete without the additional understanding of how to play every other hand in his range well. This task would be impossible if a player had to actually think about every other hand in his range, but by understanding theoretical sound poker, he can quickly design balanced ranges using the proper bet-sizing while playing. more ...

Online forums gather people with similar interests and allow them to share their thoughts, insights, and knowledge in a safe and relatively anonymous environment.

Hidden behind your online alias, you have much more freedom to ask questions and talk about stuff without any fears. On top of that, if you don’t want to share your personal information, no one will ever know who the actual person behind the nickname is.

The poker community has its fair share of online forums as well. Some of them have grown over the years to gather dozens of thousands of members and cover a wide range of topics. Some of them are poker specific, other ones not so much.

When it comes to poker forums, TwoPlusTwo is by far the biggest online community for all things poker.

Whether it is strategic advice you’re looking for, the latest information about popular players, tournament schedules, or whatever else, you’ll find it here.

In the variety of sub-forums on TwoPlusTwo, one truly stands out. It’s the NVG poker forum, and if you’d never visited this place before, you’re in for quite a ride.

NVG stands for news, views, gossip, which should give you some idea of what to expect. But this place is likely to exceed your expectations.

What’s NVG Poker Forum All About?

The world of poker is a lively one. On the official side of things, there are major tournaments, big cash games, various televised events, announcements – you name it. That would constitute the news part and is arguably the least entertaining part of this sub-forum.

When something important happens, the community reacts. Whether it’s PokerStars increasing their rake across the board, a new poker room opening, someone angle shooting in one way or another, or something else, people will have their opinions on it.

That’s where the views’ part comes in. People gather here to open threads sharing their thoughts or pitch in on already existing threads with their thoughts.

And then there is gossip.

Whether you want to admit it or not, most of us enjoy a good gossip, and the poker world offers its fair share of it.

This is usually the stuff that falls somewhere between the news and the views. It’s stuff like “I’ve heard XXX about YYY, but I’m not really sure.”

So, that’s TwoPlusTwo NVG sub-forum in a nutshell. You’ll find many great threads and really interesting discussions alongside many more pointless discussions about irrelevant things. But that’s an active online forum for you.

Moderators do their job pretty well, but in the interest of allowing free sharing of useful information, they sometimes have to let certain threads run their course even if it’s quite clear they aren’t going anywhere.

At the end of the day, everyone can choose what threads they want to participate in and ignore the rest.

Benefits of the News, Views, Gossip Sub-forum

Nvg Poker

As mentioned, Two Plus Two Poker is the biggest and the most popular online community for poker players. This site gathers pretty much everyone, from those looking to make their first steps into the world of poker to famous names like Doug Polk, Dan Cates, Tom Dwan, and even the ones listed in the poker hall of fame.

It is the place where even the “elite” mingles with common folks.

Image from cardplayer.com

You don’t have to be an active member of the TwoPlusTwo NVG section to be a good poker player. In fact, this particular sub-forum will have a very little direct benefit on your poker skills.

However, if you’re a serious player, the game isn’t just about strategy for you.

Staying informed is very important as there are always things you should probably know about. Whatever is going on in the poker world, it’ll be in the news, views, gossip if it’s of any relevance. So, if you’re keeping up with the forum, you can be sure you won’t miss out.

You might be thinking you don’t need any of this, but you are quite likely to miss some useful info if that is the case.

The NVG Poker forum has seen its fair share of great and really useful threads, warning people about potential poker bot networks, collusion, cheating scandals, theft, security risks, and much more. Sure, these things are always irrelevant until they happen to you, but as a serious poker player, you’d rather know about these threats ahead of time.

But NVG Poker isn’t just for serious grinders.

There are also heaps of entertaining threads that you’ll enjoy reading, especially if you’re just discovering this place. Two Plus Two Poker has been around for years, and you’ll find some awesome stories here.

Nvg Poker Games

Browsing threads in the news, views, gossip section of TwoPlusTwo is a real trip down the memory lane. If you love poker, you’ll easily get lost in there for hours. Just a single popular thread (like the ones mentioned in the examples later in this article) can span for dozens and even hundreds of pages, and you just won’t be able to stop reading.

This probably isn’t the best use of your time to be fair, but it’s entertaining as hell. If you want to know about the real history of poker and things that truly marked its development over the years, all the big moments and important landmarks, you can find it all here with a bit of digging.

Come to think of it, NVG Poker is partially like a newspaper archive you’d find in some library. It’s the go-to place if you’re looking for information about something that happened years ago, and other sources are scarce.

2p2 Poker

Why TwoPlusTwo NVG Forum Section (Sometimes) Sucks

The biggest benefit of public forums is also one of their biggest pitfalls – and that’s the fact they’re public. Even with dedicated and experienced moderators, it’s hard to keep track of what thousands of users from all over the world are doing all the time.

Since the news, views, gossip section is quite liberal, people will often post threads about “facts” that really aren’t facts.

These types of threads can be really misguiding and cause some drama and concern over nothing. Usually, users themselves, as well as the mods, will do a quick work of such disinformation, but things sometimes slip through the cracks.

Another big problem that’s present on all forums of all types is that of trolls. Again, with NVG Poker being more lenient in terms of what’s allowed and what’s not, it tends to attract many trolls whose only agenda is to watch the world burn.

Image from pixabay.com

They’ll start completely unnecessary arguments, derail legitimate topics with lies and half-truths, and make lives harder for those users who are looking to participate in a serious discussion based on arguments and well-informed opinions.

It’s not uncommon for these people to take things a step further and start personal arguments with certain users in threads they’re trolling. This can be quite nasty as trolls aren’t known for using civilized language or making much (if any) sense in their arguments.

If something like this happens to you, don’t hesitate to report the user who’s abusing you to the mods and block them from messaging you.

Dealing with Two Plus Two poker trolls sucks sometimes, but it’s just something you’ll have to get used to if you want to use internet forums.

Where they come from, why do they exist, and what they are trying to achieve is a topic that goes well beyond the scope of this article, but it had to be mentioned.

Epic NVG Poker Forum Threads You Should Check Out

Nvg Poker App

As mentioned, the TwoPlusTwo NVG poker section keeps records of pretty much everything that’s ever happened in the poker world in the past couple of decades. If you’re looking for something to read before you go to bed, here are a few threads that will probably pique your interest.

One of the most recent ones is the thread covering the entire Mike Postle cheating scandal. This has been one of the biggest poker stories in 2019, but as always, the media has now turned to other things. If you want to know what’s going with this case, where it’s going, and what kind of new information is out there, check it out here.

Do you happen to think Dan Bilzerian is a colorful character? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one, and NVG Poker doesn’t discriminate (although mods do like to contain things to single threads). Check out his containment thread to read about Dan Bilzerian poker winnings and non-poker endeavors, from past to present.

Image from alux.com

Every poker fan out there knows about Macau nosebleed cash games. The information about these games, though, is quite scarce. Who plays there, what are the stakes like, who are the biggest winners? Well, look no further than the news, views, gossip section, and the Macau cash games thread dating back to 2010 and still going strong.

What’s going on with Phil Ivey and all the edge-sorting drama? You could try finding the information about it on Google, of course, but that would take a lot of time and effort. Or you could simply hop over to a big NVG thread dedicated to this very topic that’s been updated since 2016. More info.

Summary: Don’t Be Shy to Get Involved with NVG Poker Forum

Is Two Plus Two Poker and its NVG section the best thing since sliced bread? Probably not. You can spend your entire life without ever going here, and you’ll be fine.

But if you enjoy poker and you like to stay informed, news, views, and gossip will make your life brighter and easier in some cases.

This is an excellent source of uncensored information and a place where people can freely exchange their views on things that directly or indirectly concern them. It is the place that helped uncover many scams and warned numerous live and online poker players of dangers lurking in the shades, potentially saving them a lot of money and headache.

Nvg Poker Net

Sure, not everything about NVG Poker is great. There are trolls and stupid threads every now and again, but don’t get discouraged by it. Get involved and stick to what interests you.