1983 Quarter Value

CoinTrackers.com has estimated the 1983 P Washington Quarter value at an average of 25 cents, one in certified mint state (MS+) could be worth $51.

1983 Quarter Value

1983 Quarter Value Error

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38th Birthday 1983 Quarter Star Keychain 38th Birthday Gift 38th Anniversary Coin Jewelry made from a 1983 U.S. Quarter + LuckyLiberty. 5 out of 5 stars (2,804) $ 38.00 FREE shipping Favorite Add to 38th Birthday 1983 Star Necklace 38th Birthday Gift 38th Anniversary Coin Jewelry made from a 1983 U.S. Even though 1.28 billion 1983 Washington quarters were produced between the Denver and Philadelphia mints, coins in the higher MS grades have 3 to 10 times the value of clad Washington quarters from other years, both pre and post 1983. Value: Can usually be found and sold for somewhere between $1.30-$60.00 price dictated by condition, certification, and current. Silver Washington Quarters Value. Your silver Washington quarters value has a base price of. $4.95.With the value of silver in the $29.48 per ounce range, updated 2/1/2021. A step by step method is presented to judge collector quality and identify the silver Washington quarters. Quarter values have a distinct separation - the silver era and modern quarters. All silver quarters are worth.zs-wash-q1.shtml. each as of.z-mdyear.shtml. Modern quarters, minted 1965 and later find premium values in Mint State (no wear) condition. A step by step method identifies the important series, dates and mintmark combinations, and condition. Values of how much they are worth.

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CoinTrackers.com has estimated the 1983 P Washington Quarter value at an average of 25 cents, one in certified mint state (MS+) could be worth $51. (see details)...

Type:Washington Quarter
Mint Mark: P
Face Value: 0.25 USD
Total Produced: 673,535,000 [?]
Silver Content: 0%
Numismatic Value: 25 cents to $51.00
Value: As a rough estimate of this coins value you can assume this coin in average condition will be valued at somewhere around 25 cents, while one in certified mint state (MS+) condition could bring as much as $51 at auction. This price does not reference any standard coin grading scale. So when we say average, we mean in a similar condition to other coins issued in 1983, and mint state meaning it is certified MS+ by one of the top coin grading companies. [?].

Additional Info: Look for the mint mark on the Washington Quarter on the front (or Obverse) of the coin.

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1983 Quarter Value

1983 Quarter Error

**When we say that 673,535,000, of these coins were produced or minted in 1983 this number doesn't always match the actual circulation count for this coin. The numbers come from the United States mint, and they don't reflect coins that have been melted, destroyed, or those that have never been released. Please keep that in mind.


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***Price subject to standard supply and demand laws, dealer premiums, and other market variations. Prices represent past values fetched at online auctions, estate sales, certified coins being sold by dealers, and user submitted values. While we wholeheartedly try to give honest price estimates there are many factors besides appearance, metal content, and rarity that help make up the coins overall value.Call or visit your local coin dealer for more information.


1983 Quarter Value P Mint

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1983 Quarter Value Error

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